2 to 3
¥1,980 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥660から
"2 to 3"
Takahiro Murahashi 村橋貴博
18.2 x 12.8 cm, 212 pages, Soft cover, On-demand print
Publication date:
Second edition / October 2018
First edition / November 2016
Collection of collage works with sculptures for their motifs. With 2D field directing towards 3D field and vice versa, the sculptures exist between 2D and 3D without being either.
Takahiro Murahashi 村橋貴博
An artist. Centering on collage technique, he works on illustration and graphic design for books and advertisement. He also works as a member of an art project “guse ars.”
アーティスト。コラージュ技法を中心に本や広告のイラストレーションやグラフィックデザインを行なう。2人組のアートプロジェクト guse ars(グセアルス) としても活動中。
¥1,980 税込