Printed by asaru 2
¥1,980 税込
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Printed by asaru 2
18.2 x 12.8 cm, 208 pages, Soft cover, On-demand print
Publication date: October 2017
First edition of 150
asaru's producing style is unique: draw many pictures of the same scene using her self-made rulers and select a picture from them. Inspired by this style, the book was edited with the concept of “herself becoming a printer and printing pictures.”
「Printed by asaru」に続く第2段。今回は美術家の日下部一司さんに寄せていただいた文章が挿入されています。
Born in Nara Prefecture and lives in Tokyo. An artist. From 2011, she produces her works by various methods including: space-constructing installation using her drawings, ready-made products, and her self-made devices; 3D works; and collage of the photos taken by herself. From 2014, she runs an accessary brand “nishi.” In 2015, her photo book “After image” was published from DOOKS.
奈良県生まれ東京在住。美術作家。絵画、既製品、自作の装置を用いて空間構成するインスタレーションや、立体作品、自身で撮影した写真のコラージュなど、様々な方法で2011年より作品を発表。2014年より『nishi』という身につける装飾品ブランドも展開。2015年DOOKSから写真集 "After image" を出版。
¥1,980 税込